A guide to giving comments, compliments and complaints to the Practice
We are always looking to improve our services and to ensure that you receive the best possible medical service from the Practice.
Compliments and comments
We would like to hear from you if you are particularly pleased with any aspect of the service you have received from the practice. If you would like to suggest how we can improve our service then we would be pleased to receive your comments.
Friends and Family Test
Following your appointment or visit to the surgery you may be asked to complete a Friends and Family Test. This may be asked before you leave the surgery or via text shortly after leaving. The Surgery welcomes feedback on your overall visit, Friends and Family Tests are analysed monthly and help to improve our services. Feedback may be displayed on our 'You said, We did' board in the surgery to show acknowledgement of the improvements we aim to and have made.
We try to provide the best possible service to our patients, but sometimes things can go wrong and you might be unhappy with the service you receive from us. All complaints are discussed in the practice and we aim to learn from any mistakes that we make.
How to complain
You should discuss any comments or concerns with person providing the service. We aim to try and put right any problems as soon as they are raised with us. However if you do wish to complain formally then you should contact the Patient Experience Manager.
How we handle your complaint
When you complain you will receive an acknowledgment within three working days from the Patient Experience Manager. This letter will explain how your complaint will be handled and the likely timescale for the investigation.
An investigation will be carried out by either the Patient Experience Manager or the GP responsible for complaints, if your complaint concerns your clinical care. A letter will be sent to you explaining the investigation and giving our response to your complaint.
If you are unhappy with our local investigation into your complaint then you have the right to take your complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman. We will provide their contact details in our letter of response to your complaint.
Useful contacts
Healthwatch Doncaster
Healthwatch is the consumer champion set up to give local people and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how local health services are provided. As part of their role they can provide people with information on how to make a complaint about NHS services.
Healthwatch Doncaster
36-38 Duke Street
Tel no: 01302 378935
Email: info@healthwatchdoncaster.org.uk